Sunday 17 June 2012

Week 5 - A nice short week

Fifth week of my 8 week challenge to bring my professional, personal and fitness life back on track. Could see the end but still a fair distance to cover.

The week started well with the Queen's Birthday holiday on Monday. In spite of the bacterial infection, could plan for a trip to Mornington. 

View from the one of the view points in Arthurs seat, Mornington

Arthur's seat Mornington has always been my favourite location and it continues to amaze me  every time i go there. Even though it was gloomy, witnessed an amazing sunset. With Nadal finishing up the honours quickly on Monday night, could not have asked for a better Monday.

The Sun disguised as the moon, taken @ 2 pm on a gloomy day in mornington 

Professional, last week was an awesome week. I am very close to finishing off my dream project which i  started a couple of years ago. Even though had to spend a few long hours, it was absolutely worth it. On my job hunt, had an interview and have a job in hand now, not the ideal one but will gladly accept it in the current market. Also, out of blue got an interesting offer, need to discuss that early next week to see if that eventuates. This is truly something that would make me jump out of a bed on a Monday morning.

Personally, things are going well too, the house had its pooja ceremonies last week and continue to make good progress. My friend who i have been helping in his house hunting finally nailed a nice house this week, very happy for him. The depression of me being alone is trying to creep back and i keep killing it. After a few hectic weekends, had a nice relaxing weekend and some time with my camera.

On the fitness front, just had a couple of swims but i am planning to kick off the marathon practice soon. I wanted to run another 10km this year but changed my mind after i read this fb update on my friends wall, so changed my mind to run the half marathon this year.

"If people are no laughing at your goals, your goals are too small"

Could next week be the week with the Golden lining, sunset at mornington
A lot to do this week, looking forward to another exciting week. 

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