Saturday 14 April 2012

The short week that was never short

Even though last week was a short week, it has been one of the most longest week of my life. The good news is that after spending the 4 day Easter break in the Royal children's hospital my little friend was back home on Tuesday. He is back with a bang and having loads of fun. It is such an amazing thing to see kids smile, they define a new meaning of life. Also, my nephew has grown up, it was nice to see his snaps and videos. I am also very happy that he doesnt fit into most of the dresses i hand picked for him, need to buy him bigger dresses the next time.

The change of season in Melbourne has triggered the start of flu season.I had sore throat during the start of the week but my spicy pepper rasam killed the flu. However, the flu still likes my other friends so i am the only person out the 6.5 people in our group who is not hit my the flu. Touch wood. This also means i was incharge of dinner last week and my poor friends had to cope up with flu and my food. Looking forward to wednesday to get the flu shot at work.

Finally the week is over. Melbourne sunset taken earlier from my apartment

"Will you ever give up?",  i have heard this sentence 3 times in the last week. The last two times i have heard that sentence, it has been an awesome feeling.It has been a challenging week at work with my manager on leave, i was running the show and the last 4 days was hell. My program director was quite impressed with the way me and my team stepped up and delivered. It is a awesome feeling when your work gets recognised. This is even more special, given that you dont have any sane reason to continue in this project other than pure passion. I promised my self a year ago, i have started this and will take this over the line whatever happens. It has been a tough ride but i can see the finish line. This also means i need to start looking for my next challenge soon.

 "Will you ever give up?",  The first time it was more of frustration from someone. It is a tough decision as i never given up until it is over and also, i would never want to hurt anyone. It was a tough decision but in this conflict i kind of gave up. Giving up doesnt always mean you are weak, sometimes it means you are strong enough to let things go, they will come back to you if they were really yours. The good thing is i am back to the normal state from the excited state i was a couple of weeks ago and i feel stupid over the things i did over the last two weeks but no regrets. Having said that, technically i have still not given up. i am still trying out the Inception technique to dream and plant an idea into someone's dreams to change their thoughts. How easy would life be if we could do it ?

In all this chaos, forgot the Tamil new year until my mom messaged me. Looking forward to finish the weekend with some lost sleep and a long list of family and friends to call .

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