Saturday 28 April 2012

Business is ruthless - Nothing personal

The first that comes to my mind waking up on a weekend is to blog. After a week of slogging it is relaxing when you take things out of your heart and mind and blog them.OMG, I am addicted to blogging and i am loving it.

Professionally had an awesome week, achieved a huge milestone on schedule after overcoming a lot of challenges. When i started to work on this nearly 2 years ago several people said this was impossible. However i have a great feeling of satisfaction when this milestone is now completed. Received a lot of appreciations and my leadership team is taking me out for dinner next week to recognise my efforts in getting this across the line. So with the end so near and one final hurdle to go just when i thought it can't get more challenging, it gets better.

My manager has moved on to take a different role, I was told i have to take up her role apart from my role. That's manageable but it doesn't stop here it gets even better. Since i am contracting there are no other opportunities after i deliver the last hurdle. This means i have to start looking for new opportunities now. Now this gets emotional for me. On one hand i have a project very close to my heart and i can see this finish line. On the other hand i am a bit selfish, i want to quit and choose my next assignment and not leave it to the last minute for anyone to ask me to quit.

Speaking about quitting, it makes me wonder how things have changed over time. This week was a short week to commemorate ANZAC day. There was a time when quitting was something that people could not even think of and today here i am shamelessly blogging about quitting. Respect the great souls and the people who even today dedicate their lives for the country.

"Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do & die,
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred"

ANZAC day celebration @ Canberra 2011
Coming on to my next assignment, the ability to find a job doesnt freak me. However the ability to find a job equally challenging freaks me. I have not made up my mind whether i want to continue contracting or settle down in a permanent job. A few things makes me lean towards a permanent job. Firstly, my friend has taken off for 70 days and starting on a road trip across Australia. I can only do that if i have a permanent job and the peace of mind. Secondly, the face of business has changed a lot most of the accountable management roles are now with partners which means the chances of me getting a challenging role is higher when i go for a permanent role with a partner. Lastly, my parents think it is high time i settle down with a permanent job.

Ideally i would have liked to cross the finish line and then start the next race, but given where i am now i might end up starting a new race before i finish the current one. Mr NRN chief menor of Infosys used to say "Never love your work as you may never know when it will stop loving you". This one is a tough lesson for me, i hope i dont have to burn my fingers to learn this the hard way. Having said that life will be boring if everything goes as per plan. Such is life.

The good thing about this is that it can only get better from here.The other good thing amidst all this is that one of the astrologers has told my mom that she should go to a couple of temples every week and god will find a good girl for me in a couple of  months. So she is focussed on the temples for a while. This means i wont have any decisions to make in my personal life for the next couple of months. That gives me enough time to sort out my professional life before i face a similar dilema with my personal life.

I had a lot on my mind when i started this blog but now i think i have a more clearer view of what i want. I should thank the person who inspired me to start blogging, i owe you one.

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