Wednesday 11 July 2012

Week 7 & 8 - It is over

I would be lying if i said i was busy not to update my blog for the last 15 days, i was lazy. The 8 week deadline is over, cant believe how fast time goes by. 

The good news, professional has been a couple of good weeks, i have taken up a role which is more exciting than my previous role. A lot of challenges ahead but should be fun. Even though i was looking to settle down and have a permanent job, this was something i could not resist. So professionally i have it covered for at least 9 -12 more months. On one side i have a close friend who had to rush back home to take care of his mother, on the other side i  have a boss who has spent 25 years with the same company and got quite a lot of annual leaves up his sleeve. I also have a friend who just returned from a 10 week road trip who now wants to go an year long road trip in the next couple of years. The last 8 weeks has been an exciting period, however i still don't know what i want from my professional life. I guess the best thing is to go with the flow as of now.

On the personal front, the house is shaping up good. Once the approvals are done this week, it should move out of the paper world into the real world. i still need to clean up my room and catch up with a lot of family and friends. The king Fedex is back to his best after quite some time, no comments on Serena's performance. Felt bad for the way Boucher had to leave the cricket arena. He is truly the bradman of wicket keeping. Also, had a relaxing weekend trip to Mt Buller which i will keep it aside for my next post. For now a preview of the wonderful Mt Buller.

Mt Buller Village, Victoria
On the fitness front, i am still unable to lift myself and get this sorted. I am getting pretty frustrated on this front will have to take this up seriously and i guess this will have to be taken up as a separate challenge.

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